
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

info wisata murah di dunia. Bag I

Salam Fun, Apa kabar travellers? dibawah ini ada info beberapa tempat liburan dunia yang tidak berbudget besar : Ingin liburan ke luar negeri tapi budget kamu nggak besar? Pilih saja salah satu tempat dibawah ini... Fez, Maroko Fez disebut-sebut sebagai pusat kebudayaan Maroko, Afrika Utara, dimana tempat ini belum komersial. Kita bisa menginap di rumah-rumah tradisional dengan taman serta pemandangan indah dengan harga yang murah. Harga makanannya pun sangat terjangkau dan sangat lezat. Budapest, Hungaria Kalau kamu pergi ke Eropa Barat, kamu bisa mampir di Budapest. Di kota ini semua harga jauh lebih murah daripada kota di Eropa Barat lainnya lho. Ditambah dengan tempat-tempat eksotis seperti Buda Castle, sungai Danube yang membelah kota, dan masih banyak lagi, yang sayang untuk dilewatkan. Buenos Aires, Argentina Kemerosotan ekonomi di Argentina memang sudah lewat, tapi harga-harga masih murah disana. Menginap di daerah yang elit saja, harganya tak jauh beda dari hotel-hotel di Indonesia. Kita juga bisa menikmati seni, makanan dan musik dengan suasana yang sangat khas lho. Nanti kita lanjutkan lagi infonya ya, dan ditunggu ceritanya.
oleh Isti Astari

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

' I know '

I know,
I wake up in the morning, and the bird singing only for me,
and that is messages from some one who loved me,
I know,
when I walking alone, the bird singing always follow me,
and I look at sky the cloud give a smile,
I know,
when I walking lonely on the beach, and the bird singing come to me,
they said 'hello there, do you want cross the ocean, flying high on the island,
to meet your lovely friend?
and the cute singing birds landing on my right hand, and I said, I cant
go there. Why? the singing bird asked to me,
and I said,
I cant go there because, I have no wings to fly away,
the singing bird said, u can use my wings,
OOOh how kind of you and you are so lovely,
every body knows your wings its to small for me,
and you cannot move it for me,
the singing bird said,
ooh dearest my stupid friend dont you believed the miracle?
please.. just only said, following what I said, ' today I can fly,'
it can be happen if you following my words
I following what the birds said : today I can fly.....
ooooh its realy miracle, I can fly, flying high, crosing the river,
flying on the mountain and dancing on the cloud, oh its so beautiful
and when I moving over going to the left ooooh so pity everything its only dream,
and when I wake up in the morning,
the birds singing again,
I hope this is not a dream,
and I walking to meet the birds, I said to the birds,
hii you lovely cute, may I use your wings to fly away meet my lovely friend?
and the birds run away from me.
jakarta. 25 january 2010.
by dimas handono djati

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

polytechnic college

studying in polytechnic college is interesting for me, many computer technology,application, web design, basic technical instrument I can learned. At my home I can learning and practise instalation network, for basic example in new connection wizard I begin with click network setup wizard, tick my choice for network hub, and look at for driver modem. After I have finished seting up my new connection wizard. I can chance anything I want with different modem. this is some basic practise after I have lesson in my college. I used this methode ten years ago. My lecture said this is basic system for instalation network. It easy to me but for the next? who knows...

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Indonesian food waroeng padang

Indonesian Padang food, enough clean and cheaper. Locate in Jl. Moh kafi II no 14, Lenteng agung, jakarta selatan. Menu nasi (rice)+daun singkong+sambal+daging rendang+sweet hot tea = 7000 rupiah

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

"Selamat Jalan, pengayom dan kekasih rakyat Indonesia, Selamat Jalan!'

The great leaders with great works of humanity has left us but not They minds, we hope the strugle, the idea of minds, humanity remains always stay forever in the hearts of Indonesian people. Good bye Your excellentcy Mr. Abdurahman Wahid, good bye Mr. Frans Seda, the Glory of God and The holly Magical of God always be there for the people like you.
Your Excellentcy Mr. Abdurahman Wahid, the ex President Of Republic Indonesia, The Great Leader Of Indonesian People, Rest in Peace at december 30, 2009
Dumasart and Dmazsh

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

'pays to socialize'

Social sites are a means to make friendships with old friends and new friends, social activities, business, and expand the idea to the public or private. Because of this social site, the more easily accessible for communication with people who live far away. access to information of a product easily available to save time, effort and money. People no longer need to make marketing a product with a long walk except to delivery of goods. in this social site, is not always a marketed goods but can also be a form of intellectual work of writing, poetry, novels, short stories, running story or scientific work. Here lies the site where most needed to channel our talent in the world of writing, photographic, digital video (if you feel gifted to be a director) because sometimes a social site that we choose turns out to have features that are not equipped to implement and develop the means of our ideas . social site currently features provide a complete enough to implement and develop your business and talent is here: on this site, you do not have to pay to become a member but you are in paid for a few cents each time click when opening the page, upload photos, write blogs, open the inbox, or open meulis message your friends pages. You also get the benefit when you invite your friends to join you will and other benefits when your friends get new friends who have joined and so-called referral profits. you should write an honest self-identity as will join in because payment by check (If you have the right) will be sent via the address identity that match your identity card. It is the key to success is patience. You need patience to make friends and gain a lot from your work. should make the activities of getting new members as your hobby. Good to meet and join in

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

who can conquere the time

The most powerful in this universe is the 'time', because he could not be prevented, can not be postponed, can not promote and continue to walk, could not have preceded the time the sun and moon when the moon was probably ahead of the sun, because the casting time, we happy or sad, disaster or luck. ... if someone can say 'stop time' and the sentence could happen? ..what can you do? You will not be able to do anything except when you stop like a statue. Time is something most fair, we call it fair. Since the 'time' do not care about anyone. Against the poor and the rich person, the king and queen, to the saints or to a group of people who feel powerful in the world, their time to continue dying and never stop. Are we feel that we are not bound by space and time, the material in our bodies can disappear over time. The wise men and wise person once said 'all things nothing is eternal' some scientists gived comment, not all things that are not eternal, the material world there is a limit of age but not with energy, energy can not be destroyed but the energy was 'moved'. This is something that is described by scientists or the wise man of something that is not bound by space and time that is energy. How to explain it or prove that energy is not bound by space and time. Someone then asked a wise man "Do you can proof something is a form of energy is not bound by space and time? 'Wise Men are then said' The answer requires a very simple question 'he said,' do you ever have dreams? "Yes, of course we've had a dream, I think all people have a dream." "Question is ever or not?" Said the wise man. "Yes!" Said someone. "did you've had 'love'" "Yes." "Did you ever have a goal?" "Yes" "do you have a belief?" "Yes." "do you have an intelligence or a single area of expertise?" "Yes." "did you ever had experienced, when you go to some where, you see somethings and the areas you visit that you have never visited before, then you feel like you know the roads, shops and the people around that you visit in detail looks like the second visited? "Yes, once" "Yes it is called not bound by space and time, vision, memories, ideals, love, dreams, beliefs, de javu, ideas that did not bound by space and time. It would not disappear, it all just 'suspended' and then if it will end because of the time so they would not be destroyed but moved to another time and another place. It is called the energy, that energy in our bodies can not be destroyed just like that, but it will move a little market place some time after delays to later become not bound by time and space as the so-called liberation for not bound by time and space handcuf.
by dumasart and dmazsh