

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Lake Lut Tawar in Aceh

Lake of Lut Tawar

Wisma Intan Guest House in district Aceh Tengah. Takengon town.

The other side of Lut Tawar

Satay Padang, The favorite one

Lut tawar from the hills

Transportation to Takengon.

Lake 'lut tawar' is located in Gayo highlands, distric of Aceh tengah, Provence Aceh, Indonesia.  Near the lake there is a town called Kota Takengon.  The area of lake lut tawar is approximately 4572 acres with deepest part is 620 meters.  The roads and transportation facilities to go to the lake is sufficient.  From Takengon town you have easy access to the lake by cars or motorcycles.  In district Aceh tengah there is guest house named 'Wisma Intan'.  This accommodation is reasonably priced, clean and comfortable to stay for a few day. One night coast about 100 thousand rupiah.  In my opinion, I think Satay Padang is the favorite food in Takengon Town, everyone likes.  In the edge of lake there is no one Satay Padang seller. But many restaurants that provide grilled fish.  Really delicious meal of grilled fish in this place because the fish grilled is fresh fish.   Ok.. see you there!

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