

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Is not smart than humans

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There is much movies about alien we can watch from dvd and theater.  
All of that film make the people from intellectual class sometimes gived the argument with evidence, with scientific explanation
and there is many witness tell to us they met with alien and talk to them so seriously.

For me to understanding of the aliens are intelligent beings is a lie and that is very exciting an old story to get people into ignorance 
with no real research to be trusted.
For me alien is idiot things or something Paganisme or Pagan belief.  I believed we are not alone in this universe.

I have rational and logical reason for the explanation about alien, and for me Alien was not intelligent beings of course 
they are not smart look like human.
If there is real foto of Alien something intelligent being creatures and my question is :

why almost all photographs of the aliens we see, being that we believe have the intelligence it always looks in the photos with no clothes or armor? for what they are naked? whether they're showing off?

If it is true they appear without clothes as in the scientific picture, it means something to prove that they did not know clothes.

If they do not know the clothes, it means they do not know their body armor or cover. If they do not know the closing body it means they do not know the technology of making cloth or clothes, and if they do not know the technology of clothing manufacture its simplest it means they do not know or do not have the technology of the manufacture of clothes to protect their bodies.

It's a logical explanation for the development of technology controlled by them.

Personally I believe that there are intelligent beings beyond our solar system that has a technology beyond human intelligence.
For the photographic evidence shown by the media I would argue that it is a creature that is not smart but a creature something like pets who have been trained to move aircraft or trained to drive the technology creation by creatures more intelligent than humans.

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