

Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

The Age of Empire


  Trowulan site is the only one classical age City of
Hindu Budha in
Indonesia which can still be found. This Site
covers an area of ​​11 km x 9 km, which includes
District Trowulan and Sooko
in Mojokerto regency and district
Mojoagung and Mojowarno under
Jombang. Site of the former
capital of Majapahit Kingdom
built on flat terrain on foot
three mountains, namely mauntain
Welirang, and Anjasmara Mountain.
Geographically, the area Trowulan
suitable for human settlement because
powered by plane topography with
relatively shallow groundwater. Hundreds
thousand archaeological remains of the old city in
the world
Trowulan found buried under
soil and on the surface of the
forms: artifacts, where the largest trail
a large archipelago kingdom of Majapahit
Interesting site of the remnants of the Kingdom
Majapahit found through research
wide and long. Research
The first in the world performed Trowulan
by Wardenaar in 1815.
Commissioned by Sir Raffles, Wardenaar
make a note of the archaeological heritage
and his work in the area of ​​Mojokerto
Raffles quoted in the book "History of
Java "(1817), which is exposed to various
archaeological objects found in
Trowulan of Majapahit Kingdom. On
In 1849, a team of archaeologists, WR
van Hovell, JVG Brumund, and Jonathan
Rigg publish their research
in the "Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Asia
East. "Another book on the findings
Trowulan titled "Toelichting over den
Pilaar van Ouden Majapahit "written by
J. Hageman in 1858. Later,
R.D.M. Verbeek made a site
visits to Trowulan and
issued a report in a
article entitled "Oudheden van
Majapahit in 1815 en 1887 ",
published in TBG XXXIII years
, 1889. Further research is conducted
by R.A.A. Kromodjojo Adinegoro
Bupati (Head) Mojokerto
(1849-1916) which had attention
big on Archaeological Heritage in
Trowulan. He dug up the old water system
named "Tikus" Temple or Temple of Mouse
and Adinegoro also initiated
formation of the Mojokerto Museum
store of archaeological artifacts
Majapahit Kingdom. Meanwhile, J.
Knebel, members Comissie voor
Oudheidkundig Orderzoek op Java en
Madura in 1907
documenting the archaeological heritage
Trowulan. Another scholar, NJ Krom,
the last legacy of the Kingdom
Majapahit in Trowulan in his book
Inleiding tot de Hindoe Javaansche
Kunst (1923).
1924 initiated by RAA
Kromodjojo Adinegoro work together
with a Dutchman by the name of
Ir. Henry Maclaine Pont in office
in Trowulan. The Office set
as a house museum and exhibition
relics of an era
Majapahit. Between 1921-1924, Maclaine
Pont led the excavation at Trowulan
to verify the data of the manuscript
Nagarakartagama and provide
initial reconstruction sketch of Majapahit
in Trowulan.
Stutterheim who conduct research
on the capital structure of the Kingdom
Majapahit also use the script
Nagarakartagama Canto VIII - XII
as the main reference and concluded
that the palace city planning
Majapahit analogous to that of the
Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Studies
further suggests that
Construction on the palace complex
resembles the design of a Balinese compound
palace (Stutterheim, 1948). research
further carried out by the Centre
National Archaeological Research
(Arkenas Research Center) in 1970 to
, 1993. Centre for Research continues to seek
more evidence of the old city through
archaeological excavations with
using the instructions (place name)
found in the manuscript
Nagarakartagama as a reference or
based on new findings
discovered by the local community.
Research at that time apply
Sporadic strategies and found that
Trowulan site is an accumulation
of various artifacts not only
showed evidence of settlement
humans, but also other sites
used for ceremonial activities,
rituals, sanctuaries, industrial activities, home
slaughter, burial, rice,
markets, aqueducts and reservoirs. The websites
dividing the city into areas
smaller connected by
road system. However, the results of
This research has not been able to
provide a complete portrait of the entire
Majapahit as
described by prapanca in
writing literature in Nagarakartagama.
Tim Geography Gadjah Mada University
indicates that the site Trowulan
is a city which has
canal system. Since 1926, various
studies have revealed that
Trowulan site has 18 dams
large and small are connected to the
irrigation systems with channel width and
narrow. From the aerial view of the old city of
Majapahit, it can be observed that
ancient water canals constructed symmetric and
seems to have formed City. year
after year, research activities and
preservation more done in Site
Trowulan not only by the Centre
Preservation of Cultural Heritage in East Java,
which is responsible for
preserve the site, but also by
other institutions and academics
have attention to heritage
Glorious Majapahit Empire in World
Trowulan. As time progresses,
many building sites and the remains of
human settlements have been excavated,
restored, maintained and
utilized as the Rat Temple (Temple
Mice), Gateway of Bajangratu, New
Temple, Gentong Temple, Gateway
Wringinlawang, Kedaton Temple, and
Completion Sentonorejo.
Thousands of artifacts from the site has Trowulan
discovered and preserved. Partially
most of the artifacts found by
experts and were found by
held in the local community
Majapahit Information Center or known
Majapahit Information Center (PIM)
. Majapahit artifacts classified
based on the substance of the material artifacts:
Terracotta Artifacts (made of earthenware
clay) consists of: 1) Sculpture /
Human statue or sculpture
(Featuring a different race as
Chinese, Indian, Arabic), 2) Home Appliances
Appliances such as water bottles, tubs, piggy-
banks; 3) the means of production, among others:
mold sculpture, kowi (metal mold
good, made of clay), and
4) Elements of buildings and housing
like miniature houses, pillars as
maquette, tile, tops, water pipes, and
jaladwara (drains temple).
b. Ceramic artifacts (made from
ceramics) such as plates, bowls, vases,
spoon either locally made or from import.c. Metal
artifacts (made from
metals) such as: coins either artificial
of local and foreign origin, tool
used for ceremonies
such as bells, mirrors, zodiac baker,
burn dupa.d. Stone artifacts (made
from andesite or tuff) as
relief, statues and tablets
Stone. Analyzing various artifacts,
many researchers then studied
Further Majapahit era civilization,
associated with various
aspects such as economic systems, religion,
literature, technology, art, law, agriculture
and the environment. The results of the study and
This in-depth research has been
enrich the wealth of knowledge
on the findings of the Majapahit kingdom and
has allowed the experts to
reconstruct civilization at that time.
Based on the findings of scattered heritage
either in the form of the remains of the building
and ancient human settlements as well as
individual artifacts, Nurhadi Rangkuti
then propose the hypothesis that
Majapahit capital area in Trowulan
measuring 9 x 11 sq. km. This hypothesis
analogy applies in the age pattern of city
Islamic Mataram pointing mosque
as a landmark for the border
kingdom. Assuming that the culture
is a diffusion process continued, the city
Majapahit kingdom must have
based on a city
planning concepts that may
similar to the Mataram Kingdom.
The results of this extensive study on the
Site Trowulan clearly shows that
Trowulan site is the location of the remains
the capital city of the Majapahit kingdom during
more than 200 years between the 13 - century
15th, and the site is valued as
important part of the history
Indonesian culture and civilization.
Justification of Outstanding Universal Value
(I) is a work of genius
Human Artefak diverse creative
support the site as a mother Trowulan
city ​​of Majapahit Kingdom can be observed
until now. The remains of archaeological and
thousands of artifacts found in the
Trowulan site strong indication that
Trowulan is a modern city
it.From during archaeological evidence
found on the site, can be
concluded that the capital of the Kingdom
Majapahit in Site built Trowulan
through a process of deliberation and
done with planning
thorough and detailed architecture
promoting modern wisdom
in the care of the local environment. This
provide evidence of accumulation
knowledge and ideas of civilization
Indonesia advanced to the ancestors
12th and 14th centuries.
Some experts studying the site
Trowulan to interpret various
possible reasons for choosing
this area as the capital for
Majapahit kingdom in the past. Following
These are some considerations:
a. This region is an area that
very fertile because no sediment
quarter containing volcanic sand
or gravel pyroc clastica. Ingredients
This comes from a volcano in section
south of the area known as
Arjuna complex consists of
Anjasmoro volcanic mountains,
Welirang, and Penanggunangan. Mountain
Anjasmoro is the oldest volcano
The area has changed. Be
unstable, mountain rock can
moves. These rocks move into
volcanic mud flow when it rains
hit the area and
develop into a fan-shaped
fluvio volcanic sediments. From the analysis
This, it can be concluded that the area
Trowulan located at the tip of the fan
fluvio volcanic. Furthermore, supported
by River watershed from Ginting
and Brangkal River and has
flat topography rich with fluvio
volcanic sediment, this area
provide stable power source
and fertile to sustain
people's lives.
b. Once close to the water sheds
Brantas River and other small rivers,
Trowulan areas have easy access
with other regions.
c. The canals were built in
systematically dissecting the city
Majapahit was the result of deliberation
wise and advanced civilization
show concern for
environment. Previous studies have
indicate that the climate in that
age Trowulan and surrounding area
has not changed significantly
compared to the tropical rainy climate
currently categorized as Type
AW. According to Koppen, under the type of
climate, high rainfall in
rainy months can not be
compensate for the low rainfall in
dry season. (Sutikno, 1993). On
This condition, Trowulan region and
vicinity may experience 4
until 6 months of drought in
year. Despite having two streams -
Scissors and Brangkal River River, in
The second volume of the dry season the river
can shrink and the opposite happens
in the rainy season. Flooding can
occur and develop fluvio
volcanic fan (Sutikno, 1993). By
Therefore, installment canal system would
With 20 to 40 channels across
Majapahit meter-wide area, the city is
designed under an organized pattern
the building is located in the
certain parts of Majapahit
a planned city, Majapahit
clearly is central to the government.
Network of canals in cross-site Trowulan
crosses city almost perpendicular.
Apparently Majapahit developed
based chessboard pattern
formed by a relatively straight channel
and extending perpendicularly from the north
to south and from west to east.
The course of the canal was not necessarily
the north-south magnetic axis
earth. The canals are slightly shifted
-100 To right, clockwise
Cartesian quadrant. It appears that the channel
adapted to the conditions
geographically. Seen from a distance grid canal
on the map, in the west, channels the north-
located relatively close to the south of the
each other than to their
built in the eastern part. It is
showed that in the zone where
relatively close to the canal, this area
utilized for completion,
city ​​center and the royal palace. While
it, the canals east-west
built straight and intersecting parts
the middle of the canal system gives evidence
that there is a link to social activities
culture which connects the
east, west, north and south to
the central part of the city. The canals also
associated with the road network
constructed parallel to the canal either
on one or both sides of the canal.
The results showed that
duct system and building water
built in the Majapahit era serving
as a means of irrigation for agriculture
and used to channel water
into the reservoir. Trowulan have
Dam of five reservoirs that Baureno, Kumitir
Dam, Dam Domas, Temon Dam, Kraton
Wulan Kedung Dam and Dam. Besides
The dam, Trowulan have
three man-made ponds positioned
closely, namely Bunder Balong, Balong Dowo,
Segaran and ponds. Dam-
serves as a reservoir dam
water, flood control, and
manage moisture areas.
d. As a city, site Trowulan
holding a variety of cultural heritage
of various aspects of life-good
sacred and profane-is interesting to
studied further. Architecture and
relief sculpture on heritage structures in
Site Trowulan show expertise
of the architects and craftsmen in
integrate with the exotic culture
local culture.
(V) Be outstanding examples of
type of building, architectural ensemble
or technology or landscape
illustrates an important step in
traditional human settlement,
use of land, or sea culture
which shows the interaction of culture
(Or cultures), or human interaction
with nature, especially when it has been
become vulnerable under the impact
irreversible changes;
In the past, the historian and expert assessment
just researching ancient culture era structures
Hindu-Buddhist in Indonesia. Archaeologist
and architects tend to focus on
sacred building commonly known
as a temple. Meanwhile, only
little attention has been given to
study the structure of such non-temple
human settlements, because there is no
complete structure of human settlements
ever found. As a matter of
fact, from several studies, it was
shows that not far from
the temples, there are traces of human
around the temple complex structure
have been identified. Mundardjito et al
have found the remains of settlements
to the south of Bawongan Temple
in 1976, and found
a settlement sites around
Borobudur temple complex, which
located in the upper field and a
settlements in the southern and southwestern
Candi Borobudur temple lowland
in the 1970-s. Looking at these findings,
Boechari in his article entitled
"Temples and the Environment",
propose the hypothesis that the temple
as a place of worship not stand
itself. Along with this temple that
serves as the center of ritual, there
housing for local people,
the priests and administrators of temples
(Boechari, 1977).
In addition to the ancient settlements in
proximity of the temple, Indonesia has
an archaeological site that is clear
showing the remains of settlements
human-scale city Trowulan
Site in Mojokerto, East Java. Have
The broad coverage, Trowulan site
home rich heritage in the form of
temples, gateways, water structures, reservoirs,
system of canals, construction elements,
thousands of
terracotta and ceramic ware
used for domestic purposes
stairs. Among these findings, there
many sites the remains of settlements
humans are also revealed.
According Soekmono, of many
Hindu-Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia
which existed before the Islamic Empire
(Before 1500 AD), only the Kingdom
Majapahit (14th to 16th century AD)
has provided a relic
human settlements in the world Trowulan.
Produce such a rich heritage
it, the site is considered by Trowulan
many experts as very important and
rare. Satements authenticity and / or
 Trowulan site has a lot of value
significant as follows: 1.
Trowulan Site has scientific value
indispensable as a source of
analogy to the study last period
City of Majapahit was one
The classic example of city settlement
Indonesia, which serves as a
benchmark for studying the cities
Other ancient Southeast Asia and towns
more ancient cities in Indonesia (Mataram
Ancient) in terms of spatial planning
and environmental management and other
aspek.2. Trowulan site has value
teknis.Unsur relative and main elements
of completion of Majapahit as
Segaran ponds, canals are
evidence that tehre is understanding
significant hydraulic technology and
high artistic value in terms of concepts,
techniques and methods that have been acquired
by the ancestors of Indonesia in
past .3. Trowulan Site has
strong identity and values
sosialPenyelesaian in the city of Majapahit
closely related to a continuum
traditional settlement of culture
Bali in the elderly, where both
settlement shows how agrarian
Indonesia.4 indigenous people's lives.
Trowulan site has value
pendidikan.Penyelesaian Majapahit
has great potential for
further developed as
media education for generations
present and future. It may be
serves as a means for
forward the values ​​of local wisdom
which reflects a tradition for
understand and balance
culture with nature conservation.
Awesome, it turns out region
Majapahit wider than the
estimated for this by historians.
Recent research on the placement
Majapahit soldiers outside Java
see the amazing fact.
Interestingly, escort platoon platoon Majapahit
consisting of Muslim soldiers.
Legacy can still be
proved up to now.
The posting of Majapahit soldiers
The vassal kingdom (subordinate) that
consists of 40 elite soldiers of religion
Islam in the Kingdom Gelgel-Bali, Wanin
Papua, Java Wood Western Australia, and
Marege-Land Amhem (Darwin)
Northern Australia in the 14th century
strengthens the evidence that Gajah Mada
is a Muslim.
Soldiers of Islam is derived from the base
Gajah Mada in recruiting soldiers
elite consisting of three (3) criteria:
Mada, Gondang (Tenggulun Lamongan)
and Badander (Jombang) is known
as an old friend of his friend base.
From this village the village youth recruited
into force Bhayangkara II and
so on.
Tuban, Leran, Ampel, Sedayu as
Pantura Guard base. Malaya Pahang,
Bugis Makassar, and Pasai as base
Outside Java Sea soldiers.
At that time Islam in Java has
blend since the 10th century which
evidenced by the discovery of Inscription
Fatimah bint headstone Maimoon (d.
1082 M) in Leran, Gresik
Kufic Arabic script reads. And
Inscription Gondang - Lamongan
written with the Arabic alphabet (Jawi) and
letters Old Javanese (Kawi).
Both are relics
Airlangga times. While the
Islam has entered into Java since time
Medang Kingdom 7th century. Islamic new
grown rapidly in Java
the 15th century, the role of indirect
political Gajah Mada, Mada village,
Lamongan, 14th century politician.
Majapahit elite army unit already
built since the time of Jayanegara (1319),
ie the king guard troops Bhayangkara,
led by Gajah Mada jacks.
In the next period the elite unit continues
growing, especially in the Gajah
Mada served as Mahapatih
amangkubhumi from the year 1334 until
1359, since the time Tribhuwana Tunggadewi
Hayam Wuruk up period.
According to the "Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai",
when Majapahit attacked Pasai, and
repelled (1345), and then attacked
back and meluluh bullion palace
Sultan Ahmad Malik Az Zahir (1350),
Gajah Mada who is also a Muslim,
bring captive people Pasai
composed of experts, engineers graduate
Baghdad, Damascus and Andalusia.
While Sultan Pasai escape
of the palace. On arrival at Majapahit,
Gajah Mada free prisoners
after negotiating with
King Hayam Wuruk.
Then the person is cooperating Pasai
to construct with Gajah Mada
glory of Majapahit. In exchange, the
Majapahit give autonomy to
Kingdom of Pasai Darussalam, and
putting people at the complex Pasai
Trowulan elite in the capital Majapahit. Case
This is evidenced, in 1377 the Majapahit
destroy the Buddhist kingdom
Sriwijaya and control of the entire island
Sumatra, except Pasai.
"Then the word of the Nata will all
Pasai the prisoner was out, send it
Java is sitting on the ground, where A
his heart. That is why so many
sacred in the land of Java when Pasai
defeated by Majapahit it "(Excerpt from
"Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai").
With the people who are experts Pasai
in the field of wrought metal, be it steel
and gold, so established
workshop weapons and agricultural tools
perfect (standard Damascus steel),
irrigation channel models in Andalusia
Trowulan and mill gold dinar coins
Majapahit. Along with the expansion
Majapahit region to realize
"Sumpah Palapa", Gajah Mada
form a platoon platoon-specific
dominated by Muslim soldiers.
Soldiers of Islam Majapahit in Bali
Placement of 40 soldiers of Islam
Majapahit kingdom Gelgel -
Klungkung, Bali begins when King
Gelgel I, Dalem Ketut Ngulesir (1320 -
1400) to visit the man SOWAN
Trowulan, shortly after the declaration
the establishment of the Kingdom Gelgel 1383.
He was accompanied by General Patih,
Arya Patandakan and Kyai Klapodyana
(Gusti Kubon badan) facing
King Hayam Wuruk during ceremony
Cradha and the annual meeting of the countries
vassals of the Majapahit empire. Ketut
Ngulesir ask support from
Maharaja Majapahit, which granted
with the provision of one (1) unit of platoon
specifically target late Gajah Mada.
("The Book of the Babad Dalem", manuscript
Kings of Bali).
The Muslim soldiers were married with
Balinese women, and children and grandchildren
They are very loyal to fortify Castle
Gelgel - Klungkung. Even though the
at the end of the Majapahit empire
collapse (1527), but the Soldiers of Islam remain
Gelgel kingdom into an elite soldier,
from generation to generation. Similarly, in
Kingdom of Buleleng, Islamic warriors
fortify the castle of Buleleng
attack the King of Badung and Mengwi King
of the Kingdom in South Bali.
Nowadays we can still see in
Bali, descendants of the soldiers of Islam
which has reached thousands of Muslims
Balinese (they use the name
Bali, to distinguish the Muslim
entrants) precisely in the village Gelgel,
Klungkung and Pegayaman village,
Buleleng - 70 kilometers north of Denpasar.
They are the majority population in
ancient villages.
Before Gajah Mada (d. 1364) had
building systems unit recruitment
consisting of elite troops
Muslim soldiers, equipped with weapons
ultimate, and fight according
with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
Second, King Hayam Wuruk suspected
has learned that Gajah Mada
not a Sudra, but a
Muslims. The possibility of secret info
This was obtained from the Queen Mother
In honor of the late Mapatih Gajah
Mada, he scatters not
Muslim platoon platoon numbered 40
people, because of the school of Imam
Shafi, a minimum requirement for
Friday prayers are setting up 40
people. Third, the ability of combat 40
Muslim soldiers can
destroying 200 to 400 people
regular army of the enemy. Because they
equipped with military capabilities
control of various types of weapons. Case
This is evidenced in the war
defend Castle of Buleleng
invasion of the joint forces of two
Badung and Mengwi kingdom, which
located in South Bali.
Hayam Wuruk awe of loyalty and
provision promises Muslims. They
property is not affected temptation, woman
and the throne that is not right. They
never been drunk, gamble, and thieves
adultery (in the bad habit of Majapahit
was drunk and gambling, as well as
women). When a platoon of soldiers of Islam
Majapahit is escorted home
King Gelgel group, Ketut Ngulesir,
they are supplied by Hayam Wuruk
in the form of tens of thousands of Chinese cash
coins and
Puppet gobog coins (coins kepeng
copper) as well as hundreds of gold dinar coins
Majapahit.Ini in retaliation for
tribute submission of the Kingdom Gelgel
Klungkung in the form of crops, animals
livestock and catches, jewelry and
Gelgel folk crafts. Hayam
Wuruk expect, these coins stock
capable of stimulating the growth of
Gelgel economy. Since then the temple
Klungkung and Buleleng Pura has
familiar with the gold dinar coins in
their rituals.
Islam Majapahit soldiers in Papua Wanin
When Prof. Kern JH and NJ Krom researching
Nagarakertagama books found
(Looted) by JLA Brandes of the palace
Cakranagara, Lombok (1894). Prof. Nucleus
and Krom, 1920, found the fact that
Majapahit rule in West Papua
evidenced by the placement
Muslim soldiers in Wanin - Papua.
Wanin kingdoms in Fak-Fak
to Biak is a vassal of Majapahit.
Until now, the kings and the people
The Wanin and the consortium is very condensed
Islamic nuance and eloquence
memorize the verses of the holy Qur'an.
in North Maluku, formerly also
is subordinate Majapahit.
It is estimated that the site of Majapahit in Papua
widespread in Fak-Fak, Biak and Raja
Ampat. Their offspring differ
the Papuan race.
Islam Majapahit soldiers in Marege -
According to Prof. Regina Ganter, historian
from the University of Griffith, Brisbane,
Australia - has recently researched the tribe
Aboriginal Malay-speaking Marege
Makassar. Marege is an ancient village in
Arnhem land, in the Darwin area,
Northern Australia. Regina getting
amazing fact, that
Muslim communities from ancient Aboriginal
of the Kingdom of Gowa Tallo, Makassar,
has existed since the 17th century (1650's),
and the spread of Islam in Australia
North to the village in Java Wood
Western Australia.
Marege people today call
dollars for money pronoun, whereas
its currency is the dollar.
Also called dinars for gold coins
Australia. Formerly was found
gobog Puppet coin in the village Marege
Darwin. Though the coin is gobog
Majapahit official coins. It shows
the presence of traces of century Majapahit
14 were sent to Marege, In
his research, Prof.. Regina said
that since the time of Sultan Hasanuddin
(1653-1669) Pinisi ships from
Napier master bay waters
Carpentaria - Darwin, they seek
tripang (sea cucumber). In Arnhem land, Marege,
Makassar people relate
with Aborigines, married and
breed shaping community
Aboriginal Muslims. In culture
Marege, their apparent
Phinisi ship drawing Napier
in their ancient artwork.
Interestingly, the ship was have horizontal wood
on left and right side for balance.
sculpted in sculpture and painting
they were hundreds of years old.
When the British colonized Rayah
Marege villages and rural Java Wood,
they almost destroyed the culture
Aborigines Islamic century Marege
to 20 as the flow of Westernization in the country
Kangaroos. Marage many works of art
were brought to Europe. People Marege
refer to the UK as a
'Balanda', whereas the Java Wood
call it 'Walanda', and war
against the British called 'Jihad
Kaphe '.
Surely 'Majapahit' are the Nation
great and glorious, ever build Superpower
Civilization - Archipelago. Let
united, eliminate selfishness and racist,
cynicism, let us rise up and
rebuild the archipelago and
Keeping the greatness of the Homeland (state
unitary Republic of Indonesia). Do not
this country ever willingly broken down
by the colonial modern nation.
Many facts and truth
obscured by foreign nations on
Indonesia and royal glory
kingdom of magnitude as Kerajaan
Srivijaya and Majapahit kingdom.
Much of the evidence and the legacy
history of this earth who have looted
nation and citizens of other nations.
If it is hard to determine the former a
archipelago could be a big job
legacy stuff has been taken
all enumerated by colonizing nations, if
there is still the rest of the temple and pualan
such as Borobudur.
History should be removed and clarified
that the deed of establishment of this country
days of empire are not destroyed, not
easily claimed and recognized other nations,
already occurred by the predecessor
the great archipelago leave
inscription of history, but is now a relic
it has been deposited by the residents and
other countries.

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