

Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

Solor, Megalithic site from Bondowoso,Java

East Java, saving a considerable tourist potential
extraordinary. A large stone and neatly arranged, still
standing upright in the middle of the hills are still awake
naturally, in the village of Solor, District Cermee,
Regency. Solor stone arguably quite
unique, almost the same as a world heritage site
namely Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England.
For the location Stone Solor, the effort required is quite
hard. Therefore, the access road leading to the broken stone Solor
severe. In addition to passing through the residential area, we will also be
passing through the hills and paddy fields. But do not
worried, although access to the location is quite difficult,
especially during the rainy season, everything will be repaid
when arriving at the location of the Stone Solor.
If you depart from Bondowoso urban area, then
it takes approximately 2.5 hours. To
vehicles, should use offroad cars and motorcycles
trail, because the course is quite steep and full of rocks.
According to the Chairman of the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI)
Bondowoso, Achmad Muhyiddin, no studies
Stone Solor when the stand, but is expected to rock
is a prehistoric site whose age
thousands of years. "There is no history
on the establishment of the Stone Solor, but according to the story
surrounding communities, this stone is where King
Blambangan first, "he said.
Nevertheless, further Muhyiddin, Stone actual Solor
has a tourism potential which is quite remarkable. "I think
Solor stone is a new tourist destination in Bondowoso. In Indonesia, I
uninitiated stone like this, it looks like there only in the area
us, "he said.
Source :
Contributor : Ahmad winarno

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